Conan visualizes Romney takedown of Big Bird (VIDEO)

Conan O’Brien visualizes Romney’s takedown of Big Bird in this spoof.
Conan O’Brien visualizes Romney’s takedown of Big Bird in this spoof.
Response to Mitt Romney’s attack on PBS during the first presidential debate has been swift, widespread and all negative. The Democratic National Committee presented to video above, entitled Mitt Romney: Protect Big Oil – Fire Big Bird. CNN’s Soledad O’Brien brought in PBS’ “Reading Rainbow” host Lavar Burton who stated: “I was outraged. I couldn’t […]
The Daily ShowGet More: Daily Show Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,The Daily Show on Facebook (br> Jon Stewart focused on Mitt Romney’s lies and President Obama’s poor performance last Thursday. “There is no red America, there is no blue America, there is only the America that can’t believe how bad this guy did in […]
Romney creates an Etch-a-Sketch moment in trying to flip-flop his way out of his recently disclosed comments that 47% of American voters do not pay taxes and feel entitled to a wide array of government benefits, saying now he was “completely wrong” Conservative pundit Sean Hannity asked Romney on Fox News how he would have responded if he was asked […]
While the general consensus seems to be that President Obama turned in a rather lackluster performance last night; he is hitting the campaign trail today with an arsenal of zingers aimed at Mitt Romney. One of the best ones, was in regards to Romney’s flip-flops on taxes. “When I got on to the stage I […]