CNN Host Outraged By Sarah Palin ‘Supporting’ Racism (VIDEO)

CNN Host Outraged By Sarah Palin 'Supporting' Racism

On Crossfire, Van Jones was deeply offended by Sarah Palin’s comments defending Ted Nugent.

Ted Nugent is currently campaigning with likely Texas GOP gubernatorial nominee Greg Abbott, the state’s current attorney general, after calling the President Obama a “subhuman mongrel” a couple of weeks ago.

Sarah Palin has come out in support of of Greg Abbott, endorsing his campaign on Wednesday, stating: “If he’s good enough for Ted Nugent, he’s good enough for me.”

After reporting on her endorsement, Van Jones lit into her stating:

“Now look, there are some people who sling around the word ‘racism’ way too often, way too easily. But when you call a mixed-race black man a ‘subhuman mongrel’ that’s racism. If that’s not racism, nothing is racism.

And Governor Palin I want you to know something. My kids are mixed race. They are not subhuman. They are not mongrels. And no Republican leader should support that kind of name calling. Your mom should expect more from you than that.”

You can watch Van Jones in action, below:

Samuel Warde
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