Russell Brand Shreds Bill O’Reilly’s Argument That ‘White Privilege Is Just An Excuse For Black People’

The delightful feud between Fox News and Russell Brand continues…


Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly is at it again, this time devoting an entire segment on his show to explain that black people need to assume more responsibility and stop blaming “white privilege” for all their problems.

Fortunately, Russell Brand is around to give us his reaction to, as he puts it, “Bill O’Reilly who argued on his Fox News show ‘The O’Reilly Factor’ that white privilege is just an excuse for black people in America to shirk personal responsibility for their struggles.”

You might recall that Brand and Fox News have had an ongoing dispute that erupted this summer, back in June when Brand called Fox a “fanatical terrorist propagandist organization,” in response to a particularly disturbing rant by Fox News host Jeanine Pirro in which she claimed that Obama “didn’t have the balls” to try Taliban suspects at Guantanamo Bay, and said Americans “are not convinced” Obama “even knows who the enemy is.”

Then in round 2 and round 3, Brand took on Sean Hannity, first calling him a terrorist, and next responding to Hannity’s lame reply.

Two weeks ago the feud continued as Russell Brand (‘Leftist Commie Scum’) Hilariously Pummeled FOX News.

And so, the delicious feud between Fox News and Russell Brand continues…this time Russell Brand shreds Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly’s denial that white-privilege exists.

You can go here for more Russel Brand.

Samuel Warde
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