By Samuel Warde on
Administration promotes hiring American while outsourcing jobs overseas, American Workers, Buy American, Democratic National Committee, DNC Blasts Ivanka Trump, Faux Feminism, Hire American, Hire American initiatives, Outsourcing Jobs Overseas, White House hypocrisy
Labor, Right Wing Hypocrites, Smackdowns

Democratic National Committee doesn’t hold anything down when it dropped a 5-megaton bomb on Ivanka Trump this week. DNC Spokesperson Elizabeth Renda issued a statement this week calling out first daughter and White House special adviser Ivanka Trump’s “blatant hypocrisy” in promoting the Trump administration’s “Hire American” initiatives. Titled: “Ivanka Trump is a Hypocrite,” the statement […]
By Samuel Warde on
American Workers, First Family Turns back on American Workers, hypocrisy, Ivanka Trump, Outsourcing Labor Overseas, Political Publicity Stunts, Sweatshops
DNC, Labor, Smackdowns

Democratic Party Issues Scathing Takedown Of Ivanka Trump Huffington Post reported that the Democratic National Committee (DNC) isn’t holding anything back when it comes to Ivanka Trump and her mind-numbing hypocrisy of “gushing about the creation of American jobs while her own products are made exclusively overseas.” Spokesperson Elizabeth Renda made the remarks in a […]
By Samuel Warde on
Job Creation, jobs, Nick Hanauer, Republican Tax Plan, Speeches, TED Talks, Videos
Activism, Controversy, Economics, Labor, Social Justice, Speeches, Videos

This banned TED Talk explains why the tax breaks for the rich proposed by the Republican tax plan scam will never help working class Americans. TED, the Technology Entertainment and Design nonprofit behind the TED Talks, whose slogan is “ideas worth spreading” decided that some ideas are better left alone. In March of 2012 Nick […]
By Samuel Warde on
Businesses Create Jobs since 2010, Employment Statistics, Job Creation since 2010, July 2016 Employment Statistics, Latests Jobs Report, Longest Streak of Jobs Creation on Record, President Obama Job Creator
Barack Obama, Employment Statistics, Labor

The Obama administration announces that our businesses have added 15 million jobs in the longest streak of job growth on record. The Obama administration published a new report this week detailing the employment situation in July 2016. The Employment Situation in July Summary: The economy added 255,000 jobs in July, as the unemployment rate held […]
By Samuel Warde on
Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood, Corporate Accountability International, corporate welfare for low paid workers, Fast Food Workers Minimum wage, fast food workers wages, Fight for $15 Movement, Living wages, low wages force workers to rely on public assistance, McDonald's low wages, McDonalds workers want union rights, Public Citizen, Strike for 15, taxpayer dollars for public aid for fast food workers, Underpaid workers protest
Activism, Labor, Wages

Workers descend on McDonald’s shareholders meeting on Thursday, demanding living wages. As McDonald’s holds its annual meeting on Thursday, low wage workers—buoyed by successes from the “unstoppable” Fight for $15 movement—are confronting the burger giant and again demand a decent wage and union rights. On Wednesday, in addition to a mid-day strike at the flagship […]