Obama Asks Caroline Kennedy To Serve As Ambassador To Japan

JFK, Jackie, Caroline

John F. Kennedy, wife Jacqueline and daughter Caroline.

CNN  is reporting that Caroline Kennedy has been asked to serve as the U.S. ambassador to Japan and is being vetted for the post.

Kennedy is the daughter of former President John F. Kennedy and the sole surviving member of his immediate family.

She supported both of President Obama’s presidential campaigns and served as the co-chair of his vice-presidential search committee in 2008.

Kennedy considered running for Hillary Clinton’s New York Senate seat in 2009 when Clinton becamse Secretary of State, but decided against it citing personal reasons and has, for the most part, shunned political service.

Ms Kennedy is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard and has served for a variety of non-profits to include The John F. Kennedy Library.




Samuel Warde
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