Top 10 Insane Michele Bachmann Moments: ‘Putting the Batshit back into Crazy’ (VIDEOS)

Best of Bachmann

Michele “One-L” Bachmann has been redefining the boundaries of batshit crazy for us as a member of the United States Congress since 2007.

Last year, Michele “One L” Bachmann decided not to run for re-election.

In celebration of that decision, we put together 10 of her more insane comments – along with videos – in no particular order for your viewing pleasure.

Watch the videos below:

1: Caught In Lies – Michele Bachmann Tries To Flee CNN Reporter

2. Michele Bachmann Baffles Intelligence Directors with Bizarre Questions

3. Bachmann: Repeal Obamacare Before It ‘Literally Kills’ Children

4. Bachmann goes wild at the ultra right-wing Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C. starting by attacking Bill Clinton’s “arithmetic,” then calls Obama “the most dangerous president we have ever had on American foreign policy,” and rounds out her speech claiming that that Secretary Clinton and Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano had granted terrorists visas to allow them to come to the White House to negotiate the release of other terrorists.

5. Obamacare Allows Abortion Field Trips For 13-Year-Olds

6. Founding Fathers ‘Worked Tirelessly’ To End Slavery

7. The HPV Vaccine Leads To ‘Mental Retardation’

8. Bachmann Warns Of Link Between Census, Japanese Internment

9. Obama has “Anti-American” views

10. Bachmann: People Keep Urging Me To Impeach Obama

Samuel Warde
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