NJ Senate Censors Witnesses at Heated Firearm Hearing (VIDEO)

NJ Senate Censors Witnesses Several private citizens were ejected by state troopers at a recent New Jersey Senate hearing on proposed firearm legislation.

The hearing was open to public participation and the problems first began when a private citizen, James Kaleda, took his turn at the podium and made a statement.  He described how the laws would be ineffective at keeping people safe, as they only restrict law-abiding citizens, not criminals.   He quickly got into a heated debate with Committee Chair Senator Norcross who called him out of order and subsequently an alarm was sounded and Kaleda was ejected from the hearing at the hands of NJ State Troopers.

You can here boos from the audience during the heated exchange between Kaleda and Norcross, with several members giving him a standing ovation as he was escorted from the hearing by troopers.  A few minutes later more problems erupted as Norcross closed public statements in spite of the fact the hearing began late.  Several more individuals were subsequently ejected at the hands of state troopers for verbalizing their unhappiness at being denied the right to speak before the committee.

This all took place at  the NJ Senate gun control hearings in Trenton on April 30, 2013, but the videos is just now making it to the internet.

Samuel Warde
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