Republicans Say The Darndest Things (VIDEO)

The Republican House Leadership - CaricaturesWe have included all 3 parts of the series for your viewing pleasure to include the campaign issue from 2012.

When it was first posted on Youtube, this video was featured on Huffington Post and had 100,000+ views, but had to be taken down due to a dubious copyright claim (YouTube later changed it’s policies and this remastered video was recently reposted).

Republicans Say The Darndest Things (Original Release): This edition features: Republican congressman (TX) Joe Barton, U.S. Senate candidate (NV) Sue Lowden, U.S. Senate candidate (NV) Sharron Angle, Lt. Governor (SC) Andre Bauer, congressman (TX) Louis (“Gomer”) Gohmert, Glenn Beck,  Rush Limbaugh, former U.S. Senator George Allen, U.S. Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin, Fox “News” talking-head Steve Doocy, Republican attendees at Sarah Palin rallies, Michele Bachmann and George W Bush.

Republicans Say The Darndest Things (Greatest Modern Hits 2): This clip features: Michele Bachmann, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, Frank Luntz, Iowa Republican caucus voters, Michael Savage, Don Imus, Bill O’Reilly, Christine O’Donnell, Jan Brewer, Phil Gingrey, Michael Steele, Phil Davison, and, yes, George Bush.

Republicans Say The Darndest Things (2012 Election Edition): This edition (2012 Election) features: Sarah Palin; Newt Gingrich; Florida Governor, Rick Scott; Mitt Romney, Fox “News” Contributor, Herman Cain; Former Florida Congressman, Allen West; Texas Governor, Rick Perry; Rick Santorum; Ron Paul; Rush Limbaugh; Defeated Missouri Senate candidate, Todd Akin; Defeated Indiana Senate candidate, Richard Mourdock and George W. Bush

Samuel Warde
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