Jesse Ventura Calls for an End to Taxes and a Peaceful Revolution

CNN’s Piers Morgan spoke last night with Jesse Ventura about the government shutdown and the nation’s elected officials.

The former Governor of Minnesota called for a cessation of taxes during the government shutdown and a peaceful revolution against Democrats and Republicans amid cheers and applause from the audience.

“I guess my question would be since the government is shut down, that should mean we shouldn’t have to pay any taxes, right? It’s not going to work that way is it. Even though they’re not working we’re still gonna be paying.

I think its time for a revolt in this country. I’ve been advocating a revolution for years now. Revolutions don’t have to be violent, but we need one and I would tell everyone here ‘vote them all out of office’ and don’t vote in a new Democrat or Republican. Vote for anyone but Democrats and Republicans.”

You can watch the interview below, courtesy of CNN.

Samuel Warde
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