Ted Cruz Called Out By ABC: ‘Come on!’ The shutdown was your fault!

Ted Cruz Called Out By ABC
Tea Party favorite Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) met with ABC’s Jonathan Karl continuing to deny any involvement in the 2013 government shutdown.

Karl told cruise his claim was unbelievable during their interview for Sunday’s “This Week.”

Cruz began by telling Karl:

“This is a city where it’s all politics all the time, and I’m trying to do my best not to pay attention to the politics, to focus on fixing the problems.”

Karl went on to question Cruz about the shutdown:

KARL: “You have had a couple of months to think about this whole government shutdown strategy. Now that it’s over in hindsight, are you prepared to say that it was a mistake, it wasn’t the right tactic?”

CRUZ: “I think it was absolutely a mistake for President Obama and Harry Reid to force a government shutdown.”

KARL: “No, I mean, but come on. I mean we’re a couple months away from this, the only reason why this happened is because you insisted, Republicans insisted that Obamacare be de-funded as a condition of funding the government. If you didn’t — if you took away that insistence, there would be no shutdown. I mean, really.”

CRUZ: “You’ve got conservatives who stood strong and said let’s stop the train wreck that is Obamacare, and you’ve got Democrats in the middle of the shutdown, President Obama called every Senate Republican to the White House, sat us in a room and said, ‘I called you to tell you, we’re not going to negotiate, we’re not going to compromise on anything.’ Repeatedly Republicans were compromising, trying to find a middle ground. And repeatedly Democrats said, no compromise, shut it down.”

You can watch the exchange below followed by the full segment from “This Week.”

“This Week” Game Changer: Sen. Ted Cruz

Samuel Warde
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