You Won’t Believe How This Congresswoman Dodges A Benghazi Question

Congresswoman Dodges A Benghazi Question 

Representative Ann Kuster (D-NH) is the latest politician to be captured on camera making a huge gaffe while attempting to dodge questions about Benghazi.

Gaffes of this magnitude have been known to derail campaigns and careers and Kuster became an overnight internet star after she bungled a question about Benghazi, Libya, during a question and answer session by saying she did not want to discuss Benghazi because it was not part of the Middle East, the topic of her talk.

A man in the crowd yelled out: “Libya, is like, right in the middle of the Middle East,” as reported by ABC News.

You can watch the original clip, below, from YouTube user UriaJabez:


Samuel Warde
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