Dick Durbin Scolds Rand Paul: ‘Judge Hillary’ On Her Own Talents (VIDEO)

Dick Durbin Scolds Rand Paul

Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL) visited “Meet the Press” on Sunday to discuss the future political career for Hillary Clinton.

Durbin chided Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) for comment he made during the preceding segment, during which Paul accused Bill Clinton in the preceding segment of exhibiting “predatory behavior” during his liaison with former White House intern Monica Lewinsky, suggesting that his transgressions would impact Hillary Clinton’s potential run for president in 2016:

 “It’s not Hillary’s fault, but it is a factor in judging Bill Clinton in history.”

Scolding Paul for bringing up the incident in connection with Hillary Clinton, Durbin noted:

“Hillary Clinton has established her own reputation, her own name. And her own basis for running for president should she choose to do it. And the issues that were raised by my colleague Senator Paul have been litigated in the public square for over a decade,” he said. “For goodness’ sakes, let’s judge Hillary Clinton based on her talents and her vision of America should she choose to run for president.”

You can watch the conversation, below, courtesy of MSNBC and can watch Rand Paul’s comments here.

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Samuel Warde
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