U.S Not Ready For Female President, Obama Elected Due to Guilt: Michele Bachmann


Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) told an interviewer that being a woman would be a bigger disadvantage than being African-American when running for president.

Cal Thomas began his piece writing:

With less than a year left in her fourth and final term in Congress, it’s a little early for an exit interview, but not too early to get the views of Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., on issues dear to a “founding mother” of the Tea Party movement and on how to beat Hillary Clinton in 2016, if the Democrat decides to run.

“I think there was a cachet about having an African-American president because of guilt,” she told columnist Thomas:

Bachmann says a lot of people “aren’t ready” for a female president. “I think there was a cachet about having an African-American president because of guilt.” (Presumably she means because of slavery and the lengthy denial of civil rights to blacks.) “People don’t hold guilt for a woman,” she says, adding that while people vote for women for virtually every other office “I don’t think there is a pent-up desire” for a woman president.

You can watch a clip from CNN, below:

Samuel Warde
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