Bill Kristol to Bill Maher: Tea Party Claim ‘TOTAL BULLSH*T’

Bill Kristol to Maher: Tea Party Claim ‘Total Bullsh*t’

Speaking of the fifth anniversary of the Tea Party, Bill Maher said their real origin had everything to do with America having a “black president.”

Maher began Friday night’s segment by attacking the Tea Party for condemning bailouts.  Neoconservative political analyst and commentator Bill Kristol disagreed pointing out that the bailouts began in 2008 under the Bush administration before the creation of the Tea Party.

Kristol went on to claim that the Tea Party was created “about a mortgage bill. Then it was about Obamacare and then it was about the stimulus.”

Maher retorted: “It was about a black president. But let’s-”

“That’s bulls*t! That is total bulls*t!” Kristol replied. “You think tens of millions of people, just out there, they just – even you don’t believe that. You’re just saying that.”

Maher replied: “I totally believe that. It happened a month after he took office. Suddenly white people were very upset about debt, even though [former President George W.] Bush had raised the debt way more than Obama had.”

Kristol went on to argue that the Tea Party came about as much a response against the “Republican establishment as well as the Democratic establishment.”

“I don’t remember a Tea Party then,” Maher replied.

You can watch their heated exchange, below:

Samuel Warde
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