The GOP Gone Wild! Hillary Clinton Misidentifies Abe Lincoln (VIDEO)


To begin, I am an avid Hillary Clinton fan. Have been for a long time. I supported her over Obama when they were rivals for the Democratic nomination during the 2008 primary campaign.

But I have admit, I had a great laugh when I saw this clip posted on CNN. And in all fairness, I think it important that we can laugh at our own gaffes considering all the time we spend attacking conservatives for theirs.

As CNN reports, Clinton misidentified Abraham Lincoln as a senator, not a congressman, during a speech in Chicago.

Clinton made the mistake as she was trying to compare the 2008 Democratic presidential primary – where she, as a senator from New York, squared off with then-Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois – to the 1860 race for the Republican nomination – where Lincoln, a former congressman at the time, faced off against then-Sen. William Seward of New York.

“A senator from Illinois ran against a senator from New York,” Clinton said of the 2008 primary. “Just as had happened way back with a senator from Illinois named Lincoln and a senator from New York named Seward.”

Noting that both she and Seward had lost, she added: “It turned out the same way.”

As one might expect, the Republican National Committee was all over the gaffe, slamming her in an official statement:

“With Hillary Clinton trying to rewrite her own history during through (sic) this book tour, it’s only fitting that she tried to rewrite Abraham Lincoln’s history. Before she embarks on another presidential campaign, Clinton might want to take a History 101 refresher.”

Samuel Warde
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