George Clooney Takes On The Press And Wins (VIDEO)


George Clooney received an apology from one of the world’s biggest newspapers after taking to the press himself to address an article about his fiance’s family.

In an article, published by USA Today, the Hollywood megastar slammed The Daily Mail  for publishing an article alleging that his fiancee’s mother opposed their marriage on religious grounds.

Clooney slammed the Daily Mail, writing “none of the story is factually true,” adding

I’m, of course, used to the Daily Mail making up stories — they do it several times a week — and I don’t care. If they fabricate stories of Amal [Amal Alamuddin, his fiance] being pregnant, or that the marriage will take place on the set of Downton Abbey, or that I’m running for office, or any number of idiotic stories that they sit at their computers and invent, I don’t care.

But this lie involves larger issues. The irresponsibility, in this day and age, to exploit religious differences where none exist, is at the very least negligent and more appropriately dangerous. We have family members all over the world, and the idea that someone would inflame any part of that world for the sole reason of selling papers should be criminal.


The Daily Mail, more than any other organization that calls itself news, has proved time and time again that facts make no difference in the articles they make up. And when they put my family and my friends in harm’s way, they cross far beyond just a laughable tabloid and into the arena of inciting violence.

They must be so very proud.

In a follow-up article by Ann Oldenburg, USA Today reported that:

On Wednesday morning, MailOnline took the story down and issued a statement, apologizing to the actor and saying it was “not a fabrication but supplied in good faith by a reputable and trusted freelance journalist.”

The Mail has “launched a full investigation.”

It went on to say, “However, we accept Mr. Clooney’s assurance that the story is inaccurate and we apologise to him, Miss Amal Alamuddin and her mother, Baria, for any distress caused.”

You can watch a news clip, below from ABC News.


Samuel Warde
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