Heckler Halts Cheney Event in DC (VIDEO)

Heckler Halts Cheney Event in DC (VIDEO)

PressTV reports that “a number of protesters have disrupted an event participated by former US vice president Dick Cheney, calling him a war criminal over the 2003 invasion of Iraq.” “Dick Cheney — war criminal,” one protester shouted as she held an “Arrest Cheney” in the event held in Washington D.C. on Monday.   “You […]

Obama Fist Bumps For Gay Rights

Obama Fist Bumps For Gay Rights

President Obama has done is share of fist bumps over the years, beginning with the now iconic “fist bump heard ’round the world” with Michelle Obama as Barack Obama walked onstage to claim the Democratic nomination June 3, 2008, during a televised presidential campaign speech in St. Paul, Minnesota. The fist bump has since gone […]

Vicious Attack On The Clintons (VIDEO)

Vicious Attack On The Clintons (VIDEO)

Todd Akin, the former six-term U.S. representative for Missouri’s second congressional district, who ended his career back in 2009 for his remarks regarding what he called “legitimate rape” is back in the spotlight with the upcoming release of his new book, “Firing Back.” The Washington Post reports that “Former congressman Todd Akin (R-Mo.) regrets apologizing […]

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