Great News – Kentucky Clerk Changes Political Parties, Becomes A Republican (Video)


Embattled Rowan Country Kentucky clerk Kim Davis has switched political parties, becoming a Republican.

Davis was in the national spotlight after defying a federal court order requiring that she issue marriage licenses following the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Obergefell v. Hodges. The situation kicked off a nationwide controversy regarding same-sex marriage and states rights.

Davis, who was briefly jailed for refusing to issue marriage licenses to gay couples, said on Friday that she and her family had switched to the Republican party because the Democrats no longer represented them. Davis said she had been a Democrat “all my life” but in her words “the Democratic Party left us a long time ago.”

Davis told Reuters that “My husband and I had talked about it for quite a while and we came to the conclusion that the Democratic Party left us a long time ago, so why were we hanging on?” during an interview at a hotel in Washington, where she traveled to be honored at a Family Research Council event later that day.

You can watch a brief news clip about her decision, below:

Samuel Warde
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