By Samuel Warde on
Adam Schiff, Democratic Memo, Diane Feinstein, facts, GOP Allegations, Homeland Security, House Intelligence Committee, National Security, Obstruction of Justice, Richard Blumenthal, Schiff Memo, the Nunes Memo, Treason
Controversy, Law & Order, Obstruction of Justice, Racial Justice, Russia Investigation, Russian Scandal

It would appear that Democrats are starting to stand up against the clear obstruction of justice coming from the White House – the Oval Office to be exact. Senator Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut, Representative Adam Schiff of California, and other Democrats are finally tired of screwing around when it comes to obstruction of justice coming […]
By Samuel Warde on
Conservative Hypocrisy, Democratic FISA Memo, Nunes Meme, Partisan Games, Partisan Politics, Republican Hypocrits, Right Wing Hypocrisy, White House hypocrisy
Politics, Right Wing Hypocrites, Russian Scandal

Hypocrisy rains down from the Oval Office as Trump’s latest full-of-sh– moment rules the day. It should come as no surprise, but Trump refused to release the 10-page memo written by Rep. Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee. The House Intelligence Committee voted unanimously earlier this week to release the memo, […]
By Samuel Warde on
Army members family, Military Might, Military Parade, Service members, The Army Times
Defense, Homeland Security, Polls, Smackdowns

Service members, their families and supporters weighed in on Trump’s proposed military parade and overwhelmingly said “no” to the idea. The Army Times launched an unofficial poll on Wednesday after the news broke that the Pentagon was working on plans for a military parade at Trump’s request. According to the Army Times: As of Thursday […]
By Samuel Warde on
Confidence is silent and insecurity is loud, Confidence versus security, Male Ego, Male Posturing, Military posturing, North Korea Posturing, White House posturing
Defense, Homeland Security, Smackdowns, Weird News

The navy seal claiming to have killed Osama bin Ladin tore into plans to hold a military parade in Washington D.C. later this year. NPR reported on Tuesday that: Trump, apparently inspired by the Bastille Day parade he witnessed last summer during a trip to Paris, has asked the Pentagon to look into staging something similar […]
By Samuel Warde on
Joe Biden, Joe Biden Andrea Mitchell Interview, Joe Biden cannot understand current administration, Joe Biden Mocks White House
Interviews, Joe Biden, Smackdowns

Joe Biden cannot keep a straight face when asked what he thinks about the White House. Former Vice President Joe Biden has not been bashful when it comes to what he thinks about Donald Trump and his administration. Last November (2017), Biden called Trump a “charlatan,” going on to characterize his America-first mentality as “closed and […]