Stephen Colbert Spars With Elizabeth Warren (VIDEO)

Stephen Colbert Spars With Elizabeth Warren (VIDEO)

“A Fighting Chance” author Elizabeth Warren discusses the erosion of America’s middle class and makes the case for tougher regulation of the banking industry. Playing the Devil’s Advocate, Colbert argued on the one hand that banks turn a profit for America while the middle-class cost the country money because they don’t pay their bills (i.e. […]

Private Prisons: The Injustice League

Private Prisons: The Injustice League

Private Prisons: The Injustice League The two largest private prison providers in the U.S. each rake in tens of millions of dollars every year. How do they make their money, and what agreements are in place to protect their profits? Guaranteed Occupancy When a prison company approaches a state or city to either build or […]

Are You Left Or Right?

Are You Left Or Right?

Below is a rather extensive list of words and terminology related to the issue and meant to both amuse and inform. When an election comes around it might be an idea to simply review the list below to see whether your personality, your beliefs and ideologies favor the left or the right. You should then […]

Chipotle: Do Not Bring Guns Into Our Restaurants

Chipotle: Do Not Bring Guns Into Our Restaurants

The Denver-based company Chipotle is asking customers to refrain from bringing guns into its restaurants after gun rights activists brought military-style assault rifles into one of its restaurants in Dallas, Texas. As reported by Time, Chipotle issued a statement on Monday asking their customers not to bring guns into their restaurants, although it remains unclear […]