By Samuel Warde on
Benjamin Netanyahu, Bill Clinton, Foreign Affairs, Iran Nuclear Deal, Israel, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, Secret Recordings, Videos, William Jefferson Clinton, World News
Defense, Foreign Policy, Homeland Security, Videos, War, War and Peace, World News

Trump just violated the Iran nuclear deal based – in his own words – on the word of Benjamin Netanyahu which makes this clip particularly relevant today. NOTE FROM THE EDITORS: We venture no opinion about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in this article. We provide only background on the origin of the video and the video itself. […]
By Samuel Warde on
Anti-Woman Quotes, Gender based discrimination, Gender based stereotypes, gender bias, Misogynist Remarks, Misogynistic Quotes, misogyny, sexism, Sexist Quotes, Stereotypes
Bigotry, Bullying, Misogyny, Quotes

As the age of Trump draws to a close, due in large part to the efforts of Stormy Daniels and her attorney, let’s take a look at his history of despicable remarks regarding women. Trump has demeaned women for decades; and it looks like Stormy Daniels and her ace attorney, Michael Avenatti, are on a […]
By Samuel Warde on
Avenatti Legal Strategies, Avenatti Manipulates the Media, Legal Strategy, Media Pressure, Michael Avenatti, Michael Avenatti Media Blitz, Michael Cohen, PR Pressure, Rudy Giuliani, Stormy Daniels

Stormy Daniels’ attorney Michael Avenatti is out-trumping Trump at his own game, making a mockery of him and his legal team, playing Cohen and Giuliani like tiny insignificant fiddles. We have all heard of forced errors in baseball, but what if they are happening right under the noses of Trump and his personal attorneys Michael […]
By Samuel Warde on
Extra-marital Affairs, Instant Karma, karma in action, Karmic Justice, Michael Avenatti, misogyny, Poetic Justice, Stormy Daniels, Turnabout is fair play, You reap what you sow
Karma, Michael Avenatti, Misogyny, Quotes, Stormy Daniels

Trump better buckle up because karma is about to kick him square in the ass. Hellfire is about to be unleashed on Trump – and to call it “poetic justice” would be the understatement of the millennia. Trump has demeaned women for decades; and it looks like Stormy Daniels and her ace attorney, Michael Avenatti, […]
By Samuel Warde on
Hush Money, Michael Cohen, Russian Oligarchs may have paid Stormy Daniels, Stormy Daniels, Stormy Daniels Bribe, Viktor Vekselberg, Viktor Vekselberg Paid Michael Cohen

Michael Avenatti claims that a Russian oligarch with ties to Vladimir Putin made a $500,000 payment into Michael Cohen’s bank account shortly after he paid Stormy Daniels. Things continue spiraling out of control in the Stormy Daniels case. Earlier this evening, her lawyer, Michael Avenatti, posted a tweet claiming that a Russian oligarch may have […]