Want to be a dad? Then bacon is bad!

Want to be a dad? Then bacon is bad!

New research from Harvard University links male fertility to the intake of processed meat. According to the study, fish appears to increase the quality of a man’s sperm. According to Huffington Post UK, “Researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health presented on the link between bacon and male fertility at the 2013 American Society […]

Robert Redford: Bigotry & Fear of Change Have Paralyzed the Government

Robert Redford: Bigotry & Fear of Change Have Paralyzed the Government

Robert Redford sat down with CNN’s Nischelle Turner for an interview telling her that the U.S. government has become paralyzed through a combination of bigotry, fear of change and a desire to destroy President Obama and his legacy. Speaking of the recent standoff between President Obama and Congress, Redford noted: “It’s so divided now with […]