Rick Santorum bashes liberals for ‘making it uncomfortable to shower’ at a YMCA (VIDEO)

Rick Santorum bashes liberals for ‘making it uncomfortable to shower’ at a YMCA (VIDEO)

Rick Santorum recently told a group of students that they needed to fight for conservative values in “every aspect of your life” because liberals who support abortion rights “make it uncomfortable” to shower at the YMCA if you disagree with their views. “They make it uncomfortable for students who come to Austin to shower at […]

Breaking DEA Spying Scandal Believed to be Worse than NSA Scandal (VIDEO)

Breaking DEA Spying Scandal Believed to be Worse than NSA Scandal (VIDEO)

According to recent disclosures by Reuters, a secretive Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) unit is handing out “intelligence intercepts, wiretaps, informants and a massive database of telephone records to authorities across the nation to help them launch criminal investigations of Americans,” and then lying about how the investigations begin. According to Reuters, agents are instructed to […]