Monsanto Employs Bush/Cheney Mercenaries To Protect Its Multi-Billion Dollar Empire (VIDEO)

Mercenaries, black ops, former CIA agents battling it out with a ragtag group of civilian activists on the behalf of an evil multi-national corporation hellbent on mutating private citizens in the name of corporate profits…. Sounds a bit like a Hollywood production doesn’t it?  Maybe Arnold Schwarzenegger’s latest movie? If we could only be so lucky.  […]

Facebook Agrees to Block Humor about Sexual Assault

Facebook Agrees to Block Humor about Sexual Assault

Under pressure from the Women  Action & the Media group who published an open letter explaining that Facebook wasn’t doing enough to remove posts that condoned violence against women, Facebook officially announced today that they are revising their policy on “humorous” posts and images that make light of rape and violence against women. Below is the […]