Rachel Maddow: Obama to Take on GOP Anew over Guantanamo Closure

Rachel Maddow: Obama to Take on GOP Anew over Guantanamo Closure

Rachel Maddow reports on how much political will there was for closing the prison at Guantanamo Bay, including support from leading Republicans such as President Bush once-presidential candidate John McCain, and how that all disappeared once Barack Obama became president and signed a presidential order to close the prison. Visit NBCNews.com for breaking news, world […]

Female Viagra? New Drug Hopes to Increase Women’s Desire

Female Viagra? New Drug Hopes to Increase Women’s Desire

Studies show up to 15 percent of women between the ages of 20 and 60 have a sexual desire disorder. TODAY’s Savannah Guthrie reports on the new drugs being developed to help women with sexual dysfunction and relationship experts Ian Kerner and Logan Levkoff discuss the pills, calling female sexuality “hugely complicated.” Visit NBCNews.com for […]