Westboro Baptist Church Neighbor House Painted Rainbow For Gay Pride (VIDEO)

Westboro Baptist Church Neighbor House Painted Rainbow For Gay Pride (VIDEO)

The Westboro Baptist Church is in for a big surprise as Aaron Jackson, one of the founders of Planting Peace, a multi-pronged charity, purchased a house across the street from their headquarters in Topeka, Kansas and painted it rainbow colors today. Jackson decided to paint the house the rainbow colors of the gay flag as […]

Jeb Bush On His Immigration Flip-Flops, George Bush’s Legacy And Reporters As ‘Crack Addicts’ (VIDEO)

Jeb Bush On His Immigration Flip-Flops, George Bush’s Legacy And Reporters As ‘Crack Addicts’ (VIDEO)

Jeb Bush made the talk show circuit this past weekend promoting his new book, “Immigration Wars.” Bush talked to David Gregory on “Meet the Press” about his recent flip-flop on immigration, George W. Bush’s legacy and when asked about ““Who’s the hottest Florida politician right now? Is it you or Marco Rubio?” Bush replied “Man, […]

Ann Coulter: ‘Liberal women shouldn’t be able to hold office’ (VIDEO)

Ann Coulter: ‘Liberal women shouldn’t be able to hold office’ (VIDEO)

Ann Coulter is at it again, this time appearing on the Sean Hannity show to discuss the heated exchange between Senator Dianne Feinstein and Ted Cruz. Coulter tore into Sen. Feinstein for what she characterized as her “preposterous” answers to Cruz’s questions regarding the Constitutionality of the assault weapons ban last Thursday. She went on […]

Survivor Zerlina Maxwell Defies Racist Death Threats (VIDEO)

Survivor Zerlina Maxwell Defies Racist Death Threats (VIDEO)

Political analyst Zerlina Maxwell has received numerous racially charged death threats since speaking out against rape on a Fox News segment with Sean Hannity last week. In the interview she discussed her viewpoint that arming women to prevent rape is not the solution to the problem of sexual assaults against women.  Maxwell believes that the […]