By Samuel Warde on
Domain Name Pranks, Humor in Politics, online activism, online pranks, Online pranksters, Political Humor, URL Activism
Activism, Election 2016, Elections, Humor is being used to mock Donald Trump. URL Activism is becoming the rage this election cycle and Donald Trump has become its latest casualty. In the wake of this week’s defeat in the Iowa Caucus, internet users have noticed that has been redirected by its own to go to Donald Trump’s Wikipedia page. […]
By Samuel Warde on
Cruz protester dons Royal Canadian Mounted Police uniform, Humor in Politics, Is liking Nickelback a sign of bad taste in music, Is Ted Cruz qualified to be president, Political protests, Political satire, Ted Cruz Likes Nickelback
Activism, Election 2016, Humor

This damning accusation could spell the end of Ted Cruz’s presidential hopes if it proves to be true. My San Antonio reports that a “mysterious dude in Iowa is following Ted Cruz around and accusing him of liking Nickelback.” “Nickelback is a Canadian band that has become synonymous with bad musical taste,” according to a […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
Actors perform monologues, Health Services for Women, Pro-Choice, reproductive rights, The right to have an abortin, Women and Abortion in America today, women facing obstacles, Women's Reproductive Health Services
Activism, Celebrity, Reproductive Rights

A group of actors performed monologues of other women’s abortion stories. In honor of the 43rd anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion in the United States, some popular actors are performing stories about other women’s abortions in a series of videos. Actors Elizabeth Banks, Dascha Polanco as well as several […]
By Samuel Warde on
Attack on Religious Freedom in the United States, Celebrities And Activists Join, defamatory statements about immigrants and blacks, diversity in America, Mexican immigration, Muslim immigration, Presidential politics is like reality tv reality television, racial minorities in America, stand up against fear mongering and hateful rhetoric, stand up against racism, Stop Hatred, Stop Hatred Dump Trump, the politics of hate and exclusion, the welfare of our country and people
Activism, Bigotry, Election 2016

Dozens of celebrities and Activist have joined the “Stop Hate Dump Trump” campaign aimed at halting Donald Trump’s campaign and the “politics of hate and exclusion he represents.” Harry Belafonte, Cornel West, Angela Davis, Danny Glover, Michael Moore, Jane Fonda, Lily Tomlin, Noam Chomsky, Gloria Steinem, Dylan McDermott, Ani di Franco, Rosie O’Donnell, Jim Hightower, […]
By Samuel Warde on
American Museum of Natural History, climate science disinformation campaigns, climate scientists and environmental groups, divesting financial holdings from fossil fuels, divesting from fossil fuels, dropping fossil fuel sponsors, Environmental Activism, fossil fuel industry funding, social and political forces that shape nature, the power of grassroots activism, the Smithsonian, traditional natural history museums, transmitting scientific knowledge
Activism, Climate/Nature, Environment

David Koch has left New York’s American Museum of Natural History Board in the wake of mounting pressure. Conservative billionaire David H. Koch has resigned from the board of the American Museum of Natural History in New York after having served for 23 years. As The New York Times reports, Koch “has donated some $23 […]