By Miller Davidge III on
Activism, Opinion, Women's Equality, Women's issues
Activism, Equality, Opinion, Religion, Women's Issues
![Inequality: Men Created This And It’s Time To Fix It! Inequality: Men Created This And It’s Time To Fix It!]()
We Created This and We Have to Fix It *sigh* This is what we have done. My faith, Christianity, says that women are second class. My “programming” says that they are there to keep the home…and by extension, be mothers first and women second. Western Culture is finally breaking out of the Puritan view that […]
By Samuel Warde on
activists, Climate change, Ted Cruz, The Environment, Videos
Activism, Climate/Nature, Election 2016, Environment, Republican Logic, Republicans, Videos

Republican presidential hopeful Ted Cruz launched a ridiculous attack on science and academia after being cornered by climate change activists while in campaigning in New Hampshire over the weekend. The Dallas Morning News reports that “Cruz worked the cavernous dining room” at a Seabrook restaurant, Brown’s Lobster Pound, for more than an hour as “part […]
By Samuel Warde on
Activism, Confederate Battle Flag, confederate flag, John Grisham, Mississippi, Morgan Freeman

Morgan Freeman and John Grisham are calling on the state of Mississippi to remove the Confederate battle flag from the official state flag. The two were joined by dozens of other prominent Mississippi natives who made the demand in a full-page ad in the Monday print version of the Mississippi Clarion-Ledger. “It’s simply not fair, […]
By Samuel Warde on
Bernie Sanders, Brave New Films, Koch Brothers, Social Security
Activism, Economics, Election 2016, Right Wing Lies, Videos

The billionaire Koch Brothers have been described as “the poster boys of the 1 percent.” No matter what the Koch Brothers might have you think with the near endless propaganda campaign, Social Security is NOT in danger of going bankrupt! Bernie Sanders lays the SMACKDOWN on #Koch Brothers Social Security lies in this excerpt from the […]
By Samuel Warde on
Donald Trump, Planned Parenthood, Religious Fanaticism, Reproductive Services
Activism, Election 2016, Religious Fanaticism, Religious Intolerance, Reproductive Rights, Right Wing Fanatics

While Republicans were on a feeding frenzy, doing their best to defund and discredit Planned Parenthood, Donald Trump was defending the organization in two interviews. In the first with Chris Cuomo on CNN’s New Day, Trump said that he supported funding services provided by Planned Parenthood other than abortions. As Life News reported, “Tuesday morning […]