By Whatever Jones on
Donald Trump, impeachable offense, obstuction of justice, Paul Manafort, Presidential Pardons, Special Counsel Robert Mueller
Robert Mueller, Russia Investigation, Uncategorized

Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort entered into a plea deal with Robert Mueller; part of that deal includes an agreement to cooperate with the special counsel. Now that we know Manafort is cooperating, the question is: Will Trump pardon him? While we don’t know what Trump will do, there are some legal minds who have […]
By Samuel Warde on
Beginning of the end of Trump, Donald Trump, End of the Trump Regime, Impeachment, Trumps Demise

Republican Senators question whether Trump has Alzheimer’s, Mueller indictments start rolling out, wars with a Gold Star Widow and several GOP Senators… October marks the beginning of the end. October has marked the worst month, so far, for Trump; and things keep piling on at lightening speed. Puerto Rico, a war with a Gold Star widow, […]
By Samuel Warde on
Donald Trump, National Review Blasts Trump, Trump art of deal, Trump can't close deals, Trump Glengarry Glen Ross, Trump health care, Trump salesman

One of America’s most widely read and influential magazine and web site for conservatives publishes a blistering article shredding Trump. Founded in 1955 by noted conservative author and commentator William F. Buckley Jr., National Review promotes itself as being “America’s most-influential and largest-circulation journal of conservative opinion, and promotes their website as “America’s premier website […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
Democrat, Donald Trump, Republicans, Ted Lieu

Ted Lieu (D-CA) is a member of the House of Representatives and he’s a BADASS! Lieu’s Twitter bio: Husband of Betty, the love of my life. Father of two great kids. USAF veteran. Member of Congress. In that order. Also, I don’t take orders from Vladimir Putin. The California Democrat takes on Donald Trump every single day, and he does so with wit […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
Donald Trump, Robert Mueller, Russia, TrumpRussia
Opinion / Open Letters / Rants
It doesn’t seem possible that you were inaugurated just five short months ago. So much has happened since January 20, 2017, and it’s been one crazy, odious ride. I remember watching the results come in on election night and experiencing shock, disgust and legitimate terror – not because you were a “Republican” but because your campaign was revolting. I honestly believed Republican evangelicals would have bailed […]