By Samuel Warde on
Alex Jones, Apple iTunes battles hate speech, Facebook, Facebook Strikes back against Hate Speech, hate speech, InfoWars shut down by social media giants, iTunes, Online Bullying, Online Hate Speech, Spotify, Spotify combats hate speech
Activism, Bullying, Extremists, Facebook, Fake News, Human Interest, Online Safety, Social Justice, Social Media

Alex Jones has not been having the best of months, but things just got a lot worse as first Spotify and then Apple and now Facebook put their collective feet down and terminate this kind of conspiracy. The news exploded on Monday, as three prominent social media companies announced they were taking action to eradicate […]
By Samuel Warde on
Alex Jones, Conspiracy Theories, Facebook fights back against Hate Speech, Facebook hate speech policy snares Alex Jones, hate speech, Online Bullying
Bullying, Extremists, Facebook, Human Interest, Social Justice, Social Media

Facebook is striking back at Alex Jones, taking a stand against his hate speech and bullying. The hits keep coming for conspiracy theorist Alex Jones; and Monday was a particularly bad day for him and his InfoWars project. The Guardian reported Monday morning that Apple has removed Jones from their podcast directory. “Apple does not […]
By Samuel Warde on
Epic Sarcasm, Epic Twitter Trolling, Joe Scarborough, Sarcastic Tweets, Twitter Battles, White House hypocrisy
Activism, Bullying, Human Interest, Smackdowns, Social Media Battles, Twitter Battles, Twitter Tantrums

“Morning Joe” Scarborough had the perfect response when Trump hypocrisy reared its ugly head on Twitter. The Washington Post published an opinion piece this week noting that Trump has learned that cheating is an invaluable tool when it comes to dominating the daily news cycle. “Winning the news cycle,” involves a fierce competition to push […]
By Samuel Warde on
Freedom of the Press, Legal Maneuvers to block press, Media Manipulation, Michael Cohen, Michael Cohen Confronts Reporter, Stiffing the Press, The Daily Beast
Bullying, Law & Order, Media

A 2015 recording of Michael Cohen threatening a reporter on behalf of then-candidate Donald Trump has been released for the first time by NPR. At the end of July 2015, Tim Mak wrote an article for the Daily Beast detailing allegations that Donald Trump had raped his ex-wife Ivana Trump. Mak reported at the time […]
By Samuel Warde on
Courting Public Opinion, Manipulating public opinion, Obstruction of Justice, Political Grandstanding, Rudy Giuliani, Slight of Hand, The Squeaky Wheel Gets Oiled, Winning the Court of Public Opinion
Bullying, Controversy, Law & Order, Scandals, Smackdowns

The month of May has been a stunning venture into the surreal with Giuliani acting like a madman as he stumbles from interview to interview defending the president. Rudy Giuliani, a member of Trump’s legal team, has had quite the month. He began the month on May 2nd by telling Fox News host Sean Hannity that Trump […]