By Samuel Warde on
Barbra Streisand, Barbra Streisand Speaks Out, Lying Liars, Political Activism, the walls that separate us, Walls, White House Lies
Activism, Celebrity, Entertainment News

Barbra Streisand rips Donald Trump to shreds during a recent interview promoting her new album, “Walls.” Legendary actress and singer Barbra Streisand explained why she thinks “We’re in a war for the soul of America” during a recent interview that aired on British television network ITV at the end of September. People Magazine discussed the interview, […]
By Whatever Jones on
4chan, Taylor swift, Trump, white supremacists
Celebrity, Entertainment News, Right Wing Fanatics, White Nationalists, Women's Issues

Neo-Nazi’s lost it when Pop star Taylor Swift announced on Instagram that she’s endorsing Tennessee Democrat Phil Bredsen and then went on to denounce racism, sexism and homophobia. For the past several years, Swift has been seen as an “Aryan Goddess” by white supremacists, and when she decided to reveal her political views, she smashed […]
By Samuel Warde on
Matt Damon, Matt Damon spoofs Brett Kavanaugh, Saturday Night Live, SNL, SNL Cold Open, SNL Takes on Kavanaugh Hearing
Celebrity, Entertainment, Entertainment News, Humor, SNL

Matt Damon kicked off SNL’s 44th season portraying U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh as a fired up beer-obsessed wreck. Damon’s fiery Brett Kavanaugh was grilled during SNL’s cold open and was joined by Kate McKinnon’s Sen. Lindsey Graham screaming “I will not shut up because this is a bunch of C-R-A-P, crap,” and other noteworthy characters. […]
By Samuel Warde on
Ann Coulter, Henry Rollins, Henry Rollins on YouTube, Henry Rollins takes on Ann Coulter, Humor, Open Letters
Celebrity, Opinion / Open Letters / Rants

“I want you to be my window-washing, … obsequious, submissive concubine-domestic. But mostly, Ann, you will just shut the f–k up.” ~ Henry Rollins Conservative pundit and author Ann Coulter continues to work to keep her name in the news, pushing her anti-immigrant rhetoric to anyone who she thinks might listen. Most recently, she urged […]
By Samuel Warde on
Barack Obama, Barbra Streisand, Bette Midler, George W Bush McCain memorial highlights, Hollywood Activists, John McCain memorial Service, McCain Eulogy highlights
Celebrity, Controversy, Entertainment, Human Interest

Legendary singers and film actresses Bette Midler and Barbra Streisand take to Twitter to speak their minds about our national embarrassment. The New Yorker called Sen. John McCain’s funeral “the biggest resistance meeting yet” in a Saturday article, adding that: “Two ex-Presidents and one eloquent daughter teamed up to rebuke the pointedly uninvited Donald Trump.” […]