By Samuel Warde on
Election 2016, Mainstream Media, Republican Debates, Republican Logic, Republicans, The Daily Show, Trevor Noah, Trevor Noah Slams GOP Candidates' 'Ridiculous' Demand For Baby-Proof Debates, Trevor Noah slams republican debate demands
Debates, Election 2016, Media, Media Bias, Videos

“The Republicans are now trying to baby-proof the whole election from top to bottom.” ~ Trevor Noah Daily Show host Trevor Noah lashed out at the Republican presidential hopefuls’ tough talk during Tuesday’s episode, playing a series of clips of the GOP candidates talking tough. He then show a series of clips of the very […]
By Samuel Warde on
Election 2016, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton's Epic Response To Third Republican Debate, Repubican Logic, Twitter
Debates, Election 2016, Hillary Clinton, Twitter

Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton took to Twitter last night, giving an epic response to the third Republican debate. Republican hopefuls weren’t holding anything back when it came to talking about Hillary Clinton during last night’s debate. Chris Christie led the pack, characterizing Clinton as a pessimist, adding: “you put me on that stage against […]
By Samuel Warde on
Debunking Right Wing Lies, Election 2016, Republican Debates, Ted Cruz, Ted Cruz avoids questions, Ted Cruz Lashes Out at Debate Moderators, Ted Cruz lies, Ted Cruz plays the victim during debate, The Tea Party
Debates, Debunking Right Wing Lies, Election 2016, Politics, Republican Hypocrisy, Republican Logic, Republicans, Right Wing Lies, The Tea Party

Texas Senator and Tea Party favorite Ted Cruz was in not so rare form, lashing out at CNBC hosts in an effort to avoid tough questions during last night’s Republican debate. Through a combination of bullying and sleight of hand, Cruz was able to deftly avoid answering questions during last night’s debate, and conservatives rejoiced […]
By Samuel Warde on
Benghazi, Benghazi Fact Check Heard Round the World, Benghazi Reality Check, Mitt Romney Benghazi Gaff, President Obama, presidential debates, Videos
Barack Obama, Debates, Elections, Politics, Videos

Arguably, the most memorable moment of the 2012 presidential campaign centered around conspiracy theories about the Sept. 11 attacks on U.S compounds in Benghazi which claimed the lives of Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith, and two CIA contractors, Tyrone S. Woods and Glen Doherty. Responding to a question about […]
By Samuel Warde on
Michael Higgins takes on the Tea Party, Right Winger blasted by Irish President Elect, Tea Party Member Argues with President of Ireland, The Tea Party
Debates, Politics, The Tea Party

A Tea Party member decided to pick a fight with the President of Ireland. It didn’t go so well. Leave it to the Irish to teach their American cousins a thing or two about the ancient art of intelligent debate with an unarmed opponent. This is a great time to look back at a 2010 […]