By Samuel Warde on
autocratic strongmen throughout history, History repeats itself, Joseph McCarthy is synonymous with character assassination, Make America Great Again, narcissism and autocratic strongmen, roy cohen a make-believe mobster, the best and worst of human values and nature, Tyrants and despots throughout history
Bigotry, Bullying, History

Every American should be asking themselves if Trump is trying to be the new McCarthy, because one was more than enough. There is something hauntingly familiar about the scenes of chaos and violence surrounding Trump’s rallies – they mirror the tyranny of the billionaire’s heroes, and he continues holding campaign-style rallies over a year into […]
By Samuel Warde on
Falling for a Trap, Impeachment, Justice Department lays a trap, Obstruction of Justice, Richard Nixon penetrated Justice Department Investigation, Self-Incrimination, Trapped by your own words and deeds

Former counsel for the U.S. House Judiciary Committee, who helped draft articles of impeachment for Richard Nixon, speaks out on Trump’s efforts to interfere with Robert Mueller’s investigation. Trump, along with Rep. Devin Nunes and his legal team, has been trying to penetrate Robert Mueller’s investigation going so far this week as sending two of […]
By Samuel Warde on
Kim Jung-un, Media Attention, North Korea Negotiations, North Korea Policy Dispute, North Korea War, Nuclear Proliferation by North Korea, Nuclear Threat, Nuclear War, White House saber-rattling
Defense, Foreign Policy, History, Homeland Security, Human Interest

Trump is unnecessarily putting American lives at risk in an effort to quench his insatiable need for media attention. Trump has consistently lowered the bar when it comes to being despicable. He claims to cherish women; however, as Huffington Post reported, over the years Trump “has consistently insulted, belittled, sexualized and stereotyped women. He has also taken the time to personally […]
By Samuel Warde on
History, Reagan Saved by Immigrant Doctors, Ronald Reagan, Ronald Reagan Assassination Attempt, Ronald Reagan Immigrant Policy
History, Human Interest, Immigration

In the midst of anti-immigrant sentiment spewing from the White House, it is important to remember that a team of foreign-born doctors saved Ronald Reagan’s life. Trump launched his campaign accusing Mexico of “bringing their worst people” to the United States, claiming “they’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime, they’re rapists, and some I assume are good […]
By Samuel Warde on
Climate change, Emmanuel Macron, Emmanuel Macron Praises Science, free trade, French President Congressional Speech, Inequality, Isolationism, Nationalism, The Course of History, The Iran Deal, the Liberal World Order, US Foreign Policy
Foreign Policy, History, Smackdowns, Speeches

Emmanuel Macron offered a forceful rejection of Trumpism, excoriating “extreme nationalism” and protectionism. “You can play with anger and fear for a time,” Macron said, alluding to the themes that fuel right-wing nationalist movements in the West, “but they do not construct anything.” Emmanuel Macron repudiates Trump’s political philosophy and worldview after spending the first part of the week kissing, hugging, […]