
Letter To Conservatives About Ebola – Spoiler: Say Goodbye To Texas

Letter To Conservatives About Ebola – Spoiler: Say Goodbye To Texas

Dear Conservatives, Since you insist on blowing up the situation with the Ebola virus to mind-numbing proportions, I have graciously created an action plan for you. Surely you’ve heard about Thomas Eric Duncan by now. You know, the dude who became the first Ebola patient diagnosed in the USA. He had been visiting his family […]

Name That Nut!

Name That Nut!

It’s time to play NAME THAT NUT! The game where you try to match one of the following right wingnuts to their quote. Today’s contestants are: Michele Bachmann, John Boehner, George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Richard Nixon, Sarah Palin, Dan Quayle, Reince Priebus, Ronald Reagan and Alan West. 1. “And to have innocent little 12-year-old […]

Jesus H. Christ Mocks Gov. Mike Huckabee On Twitter?

Jesus H. Christ Mocks Gov. Mike Huckabee On Twitter?

It seems that Mike Huckabee is not very appreciative of Monday’s historic Supreme Court marriage non-ruling, which effectively allows marriage equality to move forward for 60% of all Americans, while Jesus H. Christ disagrees with the ultra-conservative gov…. Disclaimer: While @GovMikeHuckabee is a verified account on Twitter there is no way to confirm the actual […]

Rolling Stone Delivers A Knockout Punch To The Koch Brothers

Rolling Stone Delivers A Knockout Punch To The Koch Brothers

Rolling Stone delivers a point-by-point smack down to an epic Koch Brothers freak-out. Rolling Stone delivered a knockout punch to Koch Industries last October in a response to their freak out about a Rolling Stone expose. As Joan McCarter of the Daily Kos wrote last week: “Tim Dickinson’s fantastic expose of the Koch brothers in […]

‘You poked my heart’: Watch These Adorable Kids Argue Over The Weather

‘You poked my heart’: Watch These Adorable Kids Argue Over The Weather

Kids say the darndest things sometimes. Watch as these two toddlers debate about whether it is raining or sprinkling outside. The boy: “My mom told me it’s sprinkling!” The girl: “My mom says it’s raining!” That goes on until the video’s 1:30 mark, when the girl emphasizes her point with a finger to the boy’s […]

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