Legal Justice Archives - Samuel Warde, Writer

Legal Justice

3M Settles Defective Earplugs Lawsuit for Nearly $10 Million 

During the years 2003 and 2015, 3M Combat Arms Earplugs Version 2 (CAEv2) were standard issue for military personnel. Servicemen and women wore the earplugs during the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. 3M’s earplugs were intended to protect the troops’ hearing from the loud sounds of warfare, such as explosions and gunshots.  The ear protection worked […]

Republicans Blasted For Their ‘Disregard For Women’s Bodies’

Republicans Blasted For Their ‘Disregard For Women’s Bodies’

“Given Ramirez’s corroboration, the ample time to hear from her, and the gravity of the vote, this is as obscene a statement of the GOP’s disregard for women’s bodies as we’ve ever seen.” ~Seth Abramson Editor’s Note: Samuel Wynn Warde is the editor-in-chief of Liberals Unite as well as a contributor. The opinions expressed in this […]

Dire Warning Delivered To Eric, Ivanka And Don Jr By Former Nixon Attorney John Dean

Dire Warning Delivered To Eric, Ivanka And Don Jr By Former Nixon Attorney John Dean

John Dean predicted over the weekend that federal prosecutors are seeking to “nail” three of Trump’s kids – “Eric, Ivanka and Don Jr.” Former Nixon White House Counsel John Dean took to his Twitter account this weekend, responding to news that Allen Weisselberg was granted immunity by federal prosecutors for the Southern District of New York […]

Prosecutors Appear To Have Their Sights On Trump’s Adult Children

Prosecutors Appear To Have Their Sights On Trump’s Adult Children

It would appear that Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump Jr., and Eric Trump are the likely targets of both state and federal level prosecutors in New York. Coming off of arguably the worst week of his administration, it appears that there is more bad news for Donald Trump -particularly in regards to news that Trump Organization […]

Former Nixon Attorney Tweets Federal Prosecutors Are Targeting Trump’s Kids: Eric, Ivanka and Don Jr.

Former Nixon Attorney Tweets Federal Prosecutors Are Targeting Trump’s Kids: Eric, Ivanka and Don Jr.

John Dean, the architect behind the Watergate cover-up, predicts that Trump’s kids were the target of prosecutor’s deal with Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg and not Trump himself.  Former Nixon White House Counsel John Dean took to his Twitter account this weekend, responding to news that Allen Weisselberg was granted immunity by federal prosecutors for the […]

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