By Samuel Warde on
gun control, Human Interest, Peace, Pope Francis, Weapons Manufacture
Activism, Gun Control, Human Interest, Religion

Pope Francis told a crowd that anyone who manufactures weapons or invests in weapons industries is a hypocrite for advocating peace while manufacturing and selling arms. The Pope issued the condemnation, his toughest to date, while speaking before a group of thousands of young people in the Italian city of Turin on Sunday. Setting aside […]
By Samuel Warde on
Charleston Shootings, Hillary Clinton, Mass Shootings, Tragedies, Westboro Baptist Church
Hillary Clinton, Religion, Religious Fanaticism, Religious Intolerance, Right Wing Fanatics, Right Wing Hatred, Right Wing Lies

“Arguably the most obnoxious and rabid hate group in America,” the Westboro Baptist Church is at it again – threatening to picket the funerals of the victims of the Charleston church shooting on June 17, resulting in the death of nine individuals. In and of itself, that fact is of no great surprise. They planned […]
By Samuel Warde on
Religion, Religious Intolerance, Republican Logic, Rick Ungar, Smack Downs, Smackdowns, Ted Cruz, The Tea Party
Debunking Right Wing Lies, Religion, Religious Fanaticism, Religious Intolerance, Republican Logic, Republicans, Right Wing Fanatics, Right Wing Lies, Smackdowns, The Tea Party

To hear Ted Cruz (R-TX) tell it, there’s a war on Christians of epic proportions being waged by liberals and progressives in the USA these days. The presidential hopeful was speaking at the Faith and Freedom Coalition summit in Waukee, Iowa, last weekend when he declared that Democrats have become so extreme and “intolerant” of […]
By Samuel Warde on
Bill Maher, Fox News, politics, Religion, Videos, War on Christians
Fox News, Humor, Religion, Religious Fanaticism, Republican Logic, Republicans, Right Wing Fanatics, Right Wing Lies, Smackdowns, Videos

Bill Maher had a great segment last night on the so-called #WarOnChristians being waged by Democrats and the mainstream media. Maher began with a New Rule: “Conservatives who constantly whine that Christianity is under attack from liberals have to explain why there are over 300,000 churches in the U.S. but only 400 Whole Foods,” adding […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
civil rights, conservatives, Religion, Ronald Reagan, Ronald Reagan's 1984 Speech Would Enrage Today's Republicans - Because It Made Sense
Civil Rights, History, Religion, Religious Intolerance, Republicans

Conservative super hero Ronald Reagan gave a speech in 1984 the GOP wants you to forget. Modern conservatives sure do love Ronald Reagan. Some might say they’re even a little obsessed with him. The Facebook page Being Conservative features a profile picture of Reagan. Visit any conservative page or site and you’ll probably see some […]