By Samuel Warde on
Commentary, Defeating Conservative Agenda, Defeating Republican Agenda, Republican Playbook, The Tea Party
Humor, Opinion / Open Letters / Rants

Here are 14 strategies straight from the secret Republican playbook that can be used by liberals and progressives to help defeat their oppressive and regressive agenda. Legendary Chicago labor union organizer Saul Alinsky’s teachings were twisted into a ‘secret’ Republican playbook. This article flips their plan into effective “fire with fire” tactics. This is how […]
By Samuel Warde on
favorite online smack downs, favorite youtube smack downs, Flashback Friday, Henry Rollins of California punk rock band Black Flag, Henry Rollins takes on Ann Coulter, Humor, open letter to ann coulter, Open Letters, promoting liberal causes, Videos
Flashback Friday, Humor, Opinion / Open Letters / Rants, Right Wing Hatred, Videos

“I want you to be my window-washing, … obsequious, submissive concubine-domestic. But mostly, Ann, you will just shut the f–k up.” ~ Henry Rollins Henry Rollins is an American spoken word artist, writer, journalist, publisher, actor, radio DJ, activist and former singer-songwriter. Many of you may remember him as the front man for the California […]
By Samuel Warde on
The Tea Party, Videos
Elections, Opinion / Open Letters / Rants, The Tea Party, Videos

The War Room with Jennifer Granholm took on the Tea Party and talked about how their influence has pushed the GOP to the far right making it only a matter of time before the majority of moderate Americans take a stand and push back, creating a golden opportunity for the Democratic Party and Progressives. “As these Republicans […]
By Samuel Warde on
Racial Issues
Opinion / Open Letters / Rants, Racial Issues

The University of Minnesota – Duluth began sponsoring an ad-campaign earlier this summer aimed at achieving “racial justice” by raising people’s awareness of “white privilege”. The project is title the “Un-Fair Campaign” and, in addition to the University of Minnesota – Duluth, is supported by several liberal organizations such as the League of Women Voter, […]
By Samuel Warde on
Humor, Videos
Humor, Opinion / Open Letters / Rants, Right Wing Hatred, Videos

Thursday, Jon Stewart discussed the recent controversy surrounding Chik-fil-A and this week’s Appreciation Day. Jon notes that the recent call by the mayors of Boston, Chicago and San Francisco have given right-wing conservatives a legitimate First Amendment complaint: “You know how the right is always complaining about the government persecuting them for their beliefs? (Mistaking […]