Defeating Conservative Agenda

Want To Stop Trump? Here’s 6 Things You Can Do

Want To Stop Trump? Here’s 6 Things You Can Do

It’s time we regroup, we organize, and we find the resolve to fight back and here are 6 easy ways we make a difference starting today. The election is over and the time is nigh for liberals and progressives to stand up, dust themselves off and begin working on defeating President-elect Donald Trump’s anti-immigrant, anti-Obamacare, […]

14 Secrets Of The Republican Playbook Liberals And Progressives Can Use Against Them

14 Secrets Of The Republican Playbook Liberals And Progressives Can Use Against Them

Here are 14 strategies straight from the secret Republican playbook that can be used by liberals and progressives to help defeat their oppressive and regressive agenda. Legendary Chicago labor union organizer Saul Alinsky’s teachings were twisted into a ‘secret’ Republican playbook. This article flips their plan into effective “fire with fire” tactics. This is how […]