By Samuel Warde on
4th of July Holiday, America Wake Up, Independence Day, Republican Logic, Republican Traitors, Russia Pro-Republican Attack on America, Russia Summit, Russian propaganda, Treason
Conservatives, Corruption, Politics, Republican Hypocrisy, Republican Logic, Republicans, Russia

“Can you believe Republican Congressmen are in Moscow meeting with the men who coordinated Russia’s pro-Republican attack on America… …on INDEPENDENCE DAY?” ~ Seth Abramson Russian Congressmen met with Russian officials on Wednesday as Trump prepares to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin later this month in Helsinki. The Washington Post reported that: Republican members of […]
By Samuel Warde on
American Evangelical Movement, Christianity in America, Christianity versus Evangelicals, Death of American Christianity
Politics, Religion, Religious Fanaticism, Religious Freedom, Religious Intolerance

“The beauty of the gospel message — of love, of peace and of fraternity — has been murdered by the ambitions of Trumpish flimflammers who have sold their souls for expediency.” ~Miguel De La Torre, professor and ordained Southern Baptist Minister Christianity in the USA has found itself repeatedly in the line of fire as […]
By Samuel Warde on
Benghazi, Benghazi Investigator, Benghazi Whistleblower, Crimes and Misdemeanors, Government Oversight, Hillary Clinton, Running Scared, Trey Gowdy, Trey Gowdy Flees from Prosecution
Law & Order, Politics, Scandals, Weird News

Trey Gowdy, once the highly esteemed head Benghazi witch-hunter ,now appears to be attempting to outrun Mueller and his team of crack investigators. I don’t presume to know what is happening in Trey Gowdy’s mind, no one can do so except for Trey Gowdy himself; and, were I to venture a guess – I would […]
By Samuel Warde on
Conservative Hypocrisy, Democratic FISA Memo, Nunes Meme, Partisan Games, Partisan Politics, Republican Hypocrits, Right Wing Hypocrisy, White House hypocrisy
Politics, Right Wing Hypocrites, Russian Scandal

Hypocrisy rains down from the Oval Office as Trump’s latest full-of-sh– moment rules the day. It should come as no surprise, but Trump refused to release the 10-page memo written by Rep. Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee. The House Intelligence Committee voted unanimously earlier this week to release the memo, […]
By Samuel Warde on
American history, American Politics, History of American Politics, Political Maneuvering, Sleaziest Political Acts
Politics, Right Wing Hatred, Weird News

American politics was upended this year by some of the most despicable acts ever witnessed in the political arena. Here are 2 of the worst. History will likely not be too kind to 2017 when it comes to civility in politics. Aside from Trump’s coronation and all that came with it, the year brought us […]