By Kimberley Johnson on
discriminatory legislation, hypocrisy, junk science, pro life movement, Pro-Life, Reproductive Health Services, Republicans, small government, the high cost of repealing Obamacare, Women's Health
Religious Intolerance, Reproductive Rights, Republican Hypocrisy, Republicans

Pro-life conservative Republicans raise hypocrisy to new heights. Conservatives, Republicans… whatever you call yourselves: You say you want small government, yet you want government to create and enact discriminatory legislation against people who are different than you — simply because they’re different than you, and you can’t deal with those differences. You say you want […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
Abortion, Equal Rights for Men, life, masturbation, reproductive rights, Republicans, Sarah Silverman, sperm
Religious Freedom Laws, Religious Intolerance, Reproductive Rights

Sarah Silverman reminds us that #EverySpermIsSacred Republican legislators all over the country are obsessed with legislating women’s innards – specifically, reproductive innards. Whether it’s forcing doctors to perform unnecessary transvaginal ultrasound probes (government mandated rape) before legal abortions, the Republican war on contraception, or forcing women to carry a dead fetus to term, the GOP […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
abortions, fetal pain, Republicans, Utah
Healthcare, Reproductive Rights, Republican Hypocrisy, Women's Issues

Utah legislators, not doctors, are making medical decisions for abortion providers and their patients. A new Utah law will go into effect this month that will force doctors to over-anesthetize women seeking abortions at 20 weeks or later – putting patients at risk for potential harm. The “Protecting Unborn Children Amendment” is based on the […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
abuse, catholic church, Priest, teen pregnancy center
Religion, Reproductive Rights, Women's Issues

This is #RapeCulture According to the Detroit Free Press, Kenneth Kaucheck, a Catholic Priest who was banned from two churches for molesting a 16-year-old girl, has been appointed as the director of Gianna House Pregnancy and Parenting Residence in Eastpointe – a teen pregnancy center that counsels pregnant teenagers. After a 2009 investigation, the Archdiocese […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
anti-woman bills by Republicans, discrimination against women, Equal pay for all, equal pay for equal work, equal rights for all, feminists are humanists, feminists fight for equality, feminists want equality for all, Gender based discrimination, i am a feminist, Modern Feminism, no need to demonize men, pharmacists deny prescriptions for women, Reproductive rights for women, respecting all women, the positive side of feminism, why all women need feminism, women's reproductive rights, women's suffrage
Activism, Discrimination, Equal Rights, Feminism, Reproductive Rights, Women's Issues

We need to focus on the positive side of feminism and not spend so much time hating or spreading false information. Buzzfeed featured women holding signs that explain why they don’t need feminism a couple of years ago, but their message is just as strong today – if not stronger. Some of the reasons these […]