By Nicole Girard on
Abortion Rights, anti-choice, Pro-Choice, Pro-Life, Pro-Woman, Psuedoscience
Reproductive Rights, Women's Issues

// When Republican Rep. Trent Franks tweeted a false claim, Dr. Daniel Grossman decided to school him on a little something the rest of us call “facts.” Doctors are using social media to take Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ), junk-science peddler and misogynistic provocateur, to task over his recent proposed anti-choice bill, H.R.36, titled, The Pain Capable […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
discriminatory legislation, hypocrisy, junk science, pro life movement, Pro-Life, Reproductive Health Services, Republicans, small government, the high cost of repealing Obamacare, Women's Health
Religious Intolerance, Reproductive Rights, Republican Hypocrisy, Republicans

Pro-life conservative Republicans raise hypocrisy to new heights. Conservatives, Republicans… whatever you call yourselves: You say you want small government, yet you want government to create and enact discriminatory legislation against people who are different than you — simply because they’re different than you, and you can’t deal with those differences. You say you want […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
Abortion, anti-choice, anti-choice movement, Don't like abortion don't have one, Katie Couric, Meaningful access to reproductive health services, Michele Bachmann, Pro-Life, Reproductive healthcare access in America, Roe v. Wade, Sarah Palin, women access to reproductive healthcare
Opinion / Open Letters / Rants, Republican Hypocrisy, Supreme Court, Women's Issues

“They’re not pro-life. You know what they are, they’re anti-woman. Simple as it gets. Anti-woman. They don’t like them. They don’t like women.” ~George Carlin In 1973 the Supreme Court decided a woman’s right to choose abortion was legal. LEGAL. This means when a person decides to have an abortion: It’s legal. It’s none of […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
A clean energy future is a wise investment, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Arnold Schwarzenegger Stumps Climate Change Deniers, Arnold Schwarzenegger Stumps Climate Change Deniers With One Pro-Life Question, California has some of the most revolutionary environmental laws in the United States, Climate change, is climate change a hoax a liberal conspiracy, Pro-Life, Renewable energy is great for the economy, renewable energy sources, Save the Planet, sustainable living, the financial benefits of clean renewable energy, we need safe renewable energy
Celebrity, Climate/Nature, Republicans

Arnold Schwarzenegger put forward an undeniable analogy regarding the climate crisis. Former California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger posted a note to his Facebook page on Monday that not only made an excellent point about climate change, it made it very difficult for members of the Republican Party to argue against the need for, and safety of, renewable energy. Schwarzenegger nailed […]
By Samuel Warde on
Anti-Choice Activists, Anti-Woman Activists, Pro-Life, Pro-Life Activists, Pro-Life Protesters Frightened, Pro-Life Protesters Frightened by Lone Pro-Choice Counter Protester, Reproductive Health Care, reproductive rights, Reproductive Services, Women's issues
Activism, Reproductive Rights, Women's Issues

Anti-choice protesters outside North Dakota’s only abortion clinic are whimpering that a lone a counter-protester mocking them with “Hail Satan” signs are frightening them. Local ABC affiliate WDAY-TV reports that: “Almost every day for the past week, Nik Severson has been counter-protesting the protesters at the Red River Women’s Clinic,” and both groups are complaining […]