By Samuel Warde on
Americans Prefer Planned Parenthood Over Donald Trump By A Margin Of More Than 2 To 1, Conservative war on Planned Parenthood failing, GOP planned parenthood problem, Planned Parenthood, Planned Parenthood polls high than GOP, Planned Parenthood polls higher than Donald Trump, Planned Parenthood polls higher than republicans, reproductive rights, Republican Planned Parenthood problem
Activism, Polls, Religious Intolerance, Reproductive Rights, Republican Logic, Republicans, Right Wing Fanatics, Right Wing Hatred, Women's Issues

A tense battle to defund Planned Parenthood is being waged in Congress in the wake of the release of highly edited videos by the conservative pro-life group The Center for American Progress (CAP). The New England Journal Of Medicine thoroughly debunked those allegations by CAP as false earlier this month, and a congressional appointed investigation […]
By Samuel Warde on
Carly Fiorina, Carly Fiornia Endorses Torture, Election 2016, Republican Logic, Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina rejects the conclusions of a Senate report on waterboarding, War Crimes
Controversy, Election 2016, Republican Logic, Republicans, Right Wing Fanatics, Terrorism

Republican presidential hopeful Carly Fiorina told Yahoo News that she endorses some of the country’s most controversial intelligence tactics, including the CIA’s torture program which involved waterboarding, in an interview published Monday. As CNN reports, “Waterboarding is an aggressive technique, slammed by critics as torture, that simulates drowning” that was used by the U.S. during […]
By Samuel Warde on
Americans do not want government shut down, Americans do not want government shut down over planned parenthood, Government Shutdown, Planned Parenthood, politics, US Voters don't shut down the government
Politics, Polls, Reproductive Rights, Republican Logic, Republicans, Right Wing Fanatics, Women's Issues

A new Quinnipiac University National poll released today shows that Americans oppose shutting down the federal government in the dispute over funding for Planned Parenthood by a margin of 69 – 23 percent, including 56 – 36 percent among Republicans. The poll also found that a slightly smaller portion of voters, 52 – 41 percent, oppose cutting […]
By Samuel Warde on
conservatives target Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, John Boehner out Mitch McConnell next to resign, Mitch McConnell, Mitch McConnell targeted by the Tea party, politics, Republicans, The Tea Party
Congress, Politics, Republicans, Right Wing Fanatics, The Tea Party

Things have become heated in conservative circles in Washington, D.C. since embattled Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner announced his retirement last Friday. Ted Cruz fired the first salvo, lashing out at Boehner and accusing him of betraying the Republican Party. According to conservative website The Blaze, Cruz told reporters at the conservative Values […]
By Samuel Warde on
CJ Pearson, CJ Pearson exposed as liar, Election 2013, Scandals, Ted Cruz, Ted Cruz Teen Exposed As Fraud, Ted Cruz Teens for Ted liar exposed
Election 2016, Republicans, Right Wing Fanatics, Scandals, The Tea Party

CJ Pearson, the 13-year-old conservative “firebrand” has been outed as a fraud by none other than Glenn Beck’s conservative news site, The Blaze. Last Wednesday, Pearson falsely claimed that President Barack Obama had blocked him on Twitter. The proof – an image he tweeted purportedly from Obama. However, as Oliver Darcy of The Blaze reports, […]