By Samuel Warde on
Martin Luther King, Speeches, Tea Party Convention, The Tea Party, Videos, Wild Bill Finley
Racial Issues, Right Wing Hatred, Speeches, The Tea Party, Videos
No, slain civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. would not be in the tea party were he alive today. Speaking before the 2015 South Carolina Tea Party Coalition Convention, conservative YouTube celebrity and Tea Partier “Wild Bill” Finley received a huge applause after claiming that slain Civil Rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. would […]
By Samuel Warde on
Militia, Patriots, Texas
Activism, Militia, Right Wing Hatred, The Tea Party
My favorite part of yesterday's #FreeSpeechRally was @PapaJohns shameless pizza hustle. — Matthew Gault (@mjgault) January 18, 2015 Muslim leaders in Texas held a “Stand with the Prophet” rally over the weekend to “combat Islamophobia” and “defend [the] Prophet Muhammad, his person, and his message.” The rally billed itself as a fundraiser […]
By Samuel Warde on
Barack Obama, Right Wing Conspiracy Theories, Right Wing lies, Right Wing Myths
Barack Obama, Right Wing Hatred, Right Wing Lies, Right-Wing Myths
Obama failed to live up to conservative predictions and expectations, making him one of the greatest presidents of our time – unlike the present occupant of the Oval Office. As the nation shakes its head in disbelief at our Tweeter-in-Chief – our national embarrassment, it is fitting to consider the failure of former-President Barack Obama […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
bullying, guns rights activists, Open carry
Extremists, Gun Control, Right Wing Hatred
Open Carry Tarrant County (OCTC), a group in Texas who can easily be described as bullying gun slingers, paid an unfriendly visit to the office of Poncho Nevárez, a Democratic state representative who serves Texas’ 74th district, in an effort to pressure and intimidate him. The open carry group supports the bill, HB195, that would remove the requirement […]
By Samuel Warde on
Louie Gohmert, Quotes, The Tea Party
Quotes, Right Wing Hatred, Right-Wing Myths, The Tea Party
For some inexplicable reason Tea Party favorite Louie Gohmert thinks he is qualified to be next in line, behind the vice-president, for the presidency should the unspeakable happen. This is a man who makes the likes of Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin and Ted Cruz look intelligent, sane… Here are 6 quotes from the Tea Party […]