By Samuel Warde on
Fox News Viewers Turn On Megyn Kelly, Megyn Kelly Enrages Fox News Viewers, Megyn Kelly Leaves Fox News
Activism, Facebook, Fox News, Right Wing Hatred

Megyn Kelly falls victim to the unbridled rage of Fox News viewers in the wake of her announced move to NBC News. Megyn Kelly has had a rough last few months when it comes to conservatives. There was the well-publicized war with Donald Trump after the first Republican presidential debate. (For those interested, ABC News […]
By Samuel Warde on
feminism, Mainstream media failures, Mainstream Media Normalizing Bigotry, Normalizing Hatred, Normalizing Misogyny, People Magazine Humanizes Donald Trump, People Magazine Normalizes the Trumps, Women's issues, womens empowerment
Activism, Feminism, Main Stream Media, Racial Issues, Right Wing Hatred, Right Wing Hypocrites, Women's Issues

Jezebel blasted People Magazine for their celebratory Trump edition, promising to call out any other entertainment magazine attempting to normalize the Trumps. Jezebel, the online magazine focused on celebrities, feminism and issues relating to women’s empowerment, blasted People Magazine yesterday for publishing a celebratory Trump cover but failing to mention that one of their writers […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
Aurora's Farmer Fair, Hillary Clinton, Trump float
Hillary Clinton, Republicans, Right Wing Hatred

Every autumn the streets of Indiana fill up with food vendors, carnival rides, live music, and family-friendly fun for all at the Aurora Farmers Fair, put on by the Lion’s Club. There’s an annual parade held on Second Street, and this year one of the floats spurred controversy – for good reason. The offensive float in question […]
By Samuel Warde on
All Talk No Action, Conservative Fanatics, Cowardly Conservatives, Crusaders Against Political Correctness, Republican Big Talkers, So-called Straight Talk from Conservative Pundits
Bigotry, Conservatives, Controversy, Discrimination, Right Wing Fanatics, Right Wing Hatred, Uncategorized

They talk tough – some of the time – but at the end of they day they are simply cowardly conservatives. Conservative pundits like Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly and so-called politicians like Donald Trump talk a mean game, building their reputations through their alleged “straight talk.” However, as The Atlantic point out, they are nothing […]
By Samuel Warde on
racism in the republican party, Racism in the Tea Party movement, Steve King Preaches White Supremacy, Steve King Supremacist, White Supremacy in the GOP
Conservatives, Racial Issues, Republican Logic, Republicans, Right Wing Fanatics, Right Wing Hatred, Right Wing Lies, The Tea Party

Controversy rages after Republican Congressman preaches white supremacy live on national television. U.S. Representative Steve King (R-IA) ignited a firestorm when he declared that white people had contributed more to civilization than any other sub-group of people. The Tea Party Congressman made the remarks during a roundtable discussion hosted by MSNBC’s Chris Hayes. The panel […]