By Samuel Warde on
Climate Change Denial, Noam Chomsky, Republican Party, Republicans Threaten Human Existence, Science Denial Threatens Planet Earth
Climate/Nature, Interviews, Republicans, Right Wing Lies, Uncategorized

Noam Chomsky, one of the world’s most famous academics, says Republicans want to “destroy the prospects for human existence.” Noam Chomsky’s credentials are too vast to give them justice here. The University of Arizona, where he holds the position of Laureate Professor, notes on his official bio there that “Chomsky is also one of the most influential […]
By Samuel Warde on
AIDS Awareness Education, HIV Quarantine, public health
Discrimination, Human Interest, Right Wing Hatred, Right Wing Lies

The wife of Tom Price, who recently resigned as Trump’s Secretary of Health and Human Services, suggested quarantining persons with HIV. Georgia State Rep. Betty Price asked whether the government could “quarantine” people infected with HIV while participating in a Georgia House study committee. LGBT website Project Q Atlanta was the first website to report the story, […]
By Samuel Warde on
Bill Maher Jake Tapper Interview, Jake Tapper Bill Maher Interview, Jake Tapper Trump Dishonesty, Trump Falsehoods, Trump Lies, Trump Media war
Controversy, Interviews, Right Wing Lies

Jake Tapper rips Trump, telling Bill Maher that he’s “never really seen this level of falsehood before,” that “my children know better” than to behave that way. Jake Tapper has been on a roll lately when it comes to speaking his mind about Trump. Friday night, he delivered a scorching monologue on CNN, ripping into […]
By Nicole Girard on
Bob Thorpe, Poverty, Race, Racial Issues, Unfair Social Constraints, White Privilege
Bullying, Conservatives, Controversy, Republican Hypocrisy, Republican Logic, Republicans, Right Wing Fanatics, Right Wing Lies, Weird News

Arizona Republican, Bob Thorpe doesn’t want students to learn about the unfair social constructs that helped place him in a position of power. We are headed for some scary times, folks. I imagine when Osama bin Laden was planning the attacks on 9/11, it would have been beyond his wildest dreams to hear that a […]
By Samuel Warde on
CNN Reporter Blasts Kellyanne Conway, Donald Trump Russia Memo, Kellyanne Conway, Kellyanne Conway clashes with Anderson Cooper, Kellyanne Conway denies Russia report
Debunking Right Wing Lies, Right Wing Lies, Smackdowns

CNN’s Anderson Cooper clashes with Kellyanne Conway over the Russia report. Kellyanne Conway and CNN’s Anderson Cooper clashed in an interview over CNN’s reporting of the classified documents presented to President Obama and President-elect Trump including allegations that Russian operatives claim to have compromising personal and financial information about Trump. As CNN reports, “Conway, the […]