Kellyanne Conway

Morning Joe: Kellyanne Conway Wrote The NYT Op-Ed To Take Down Pence

Morning Joe: Kellyanne Conway Wrote The NYT Op-Ed To Take Down Pence

As the nation tries to figure out who wrote the scathing New York Times op-ed about how amoral and unfit Donald Trump is to serve as POTUS, panelists on MSNBC’s Morning Joe threw out the possibility that it’s Kellyanne Conway. Guest John Heilamann cited a column in Esquire in which the author, Charles Pierce, wrote […]

Kellyanne Conway’s Husband Blasts Trump For His ‘False And Misleading’ Statements

Kellyanne Conway’s Husband Blasts Trump For His ‘False And Misleading’ Statements

Von Michael Vadon – Eigenes Werk, CC BY-SA 4.0, Link George Conway is on a roll this week, mercilessly trolling Trump the last couple of days on Twitter. Kellyanne Conway’s husband, George Conway, took to his Twitter this week to weigh in on the controversy surrounding Omarosa Manigault Newman’s book launch and to call out […]

Dear Kellyanne Conway: Stress Of Lying Can Kill You 

Dear Kellyanne Conway: Stress Of Lying Can Kill You 

For years, you’ve worked the pundit circuit like a pro, and you’ve parlayed what you’ve learned into defending an incompetent puppet with really bad hair. You are the Queen of Spin. I’ve never seen anything like it. Someone — anyone — can point out the obvious, and you’ll pivot and dispute it with a sense of calm […]

Fiery Exchange Erupts Between Anderson Cooper And Kellyanne Conway – Video

Fiery Exchange Erupts Between Anderson Cooper And Kellyanne Conway – Video

CNN’s Anderson Cooper clashes with Kellyanne Conway over the Russia report. Kellyanne Conway and CNN’s Anderson Cooper clashed in an interview over CNN’s reporting of the classified documents presented to President Obama and President-elect Trump including allegations that Russian operatives claim to have compromising personal and financial information about Trump. As CNN reports, “Conway, the […]