By Samuel Warde on
American's Right Leaning Youth, Best and the Brightest, CJ Pearson, conservative, Conservative Prominence, fraud, Teen Activists, The Left's Youngest Nightmare, Unapologetically Republican
Activism, Conservatives, Debunking Right Wing Lies, Right Wing Fanatics, Right Wing Lies, Right-Wing Media, Right-Wing Myths, Right-Wing Propaganda, Smackdowns

Another one of “the best and the brightest” floats to the top. If you have been paying any attention to social media, you have probably come across the likes of CJ Pearson. Born July 21, 2002, Pearson promotes himself as “The Left’s Youngest Nightmare.” His website offers a short bio boasting of his humble liberal roots […]
By Samuel Warde on
debunking conservative lies, Fact-Checking Republicans, Katrina Survivor Defends President Obama, Louisiana Flooding, Obama Visits Baton Rouge
Barack Obama, Debunking Right Wing Lies, Facebook, Opinion / Open Letters / Rants, Right Wing Lies, Right-Wing Myths

A Katrina survivor has the perfect explanation for Obama’s perfect response to Louisiana flooding. President Obama continues to be the subject of harsh criticism from conservatives regarding his response to the recent flooding that has devastated Louisiana. The flood has been called the worst US natural disaster since Hurricane Sandy in 2012, and as of […]
By Samuel Warde on
A guide for liberals to understand conservatives, Conservative Vocabulary, Fun with Vocabulary - Right Wing Edition, I would like to meet their god so maybe I can begin to understand their Christianity, Repubicans, Republican Logic 101, Republican Vocabulary, Right Wing Catch Phrases, Right Wing Catch Phrases made easy, Right Wing Catch Phrases Translated, Right Wing Dictionary, Right WIng Logic, Right Wing vocabularly
Humor, Republican Logic, Republicans, Right Wing Hatred, Right Wing Lies, Right-Wing Myths

Fun with Vocabulary: Right wing catch phrases translated for liberals and progressives. Activist Judge: Any judge attempting to protect the rights of minorities or the disadvantaged, particularly homosexuals Alternative Energy Resources: deregulated federal parks, forests and wilderness areas and any other new place to explore for oil Bible based: Anything in the Bible supporting the […]
By Samuel Warde on
For a bunch of Christians - Republicans are a bunch of liars, GOP Candidates are liars, Republican Logic, Republicans, Republicans If Their Lips Are Moving - They're Probably Lying, Right Wing Hypocrisy, Right Wing lies
Debunking Right Wing Lies, Election 2016, Republican Hypocrisy, Republican Logic, Republicans, Right Wing Fanatics, Right Wing Lies, Right-Wing Myths

For a bunch of self-professed Christians, the GOP presidential candidates are a bunch of liars. As Patheos contributor and former pastor Benjamin Dixon recently pointed out in an article entitled “For These Politicians To Be Christian They Sure Do A Lot Of Lying,”We all accept the idea that politicians lie to get in office. This […]
By Samuel Warde on
Ben Carson, Conservative Website Blasts Ben Carson, Election 2016, Forbes blasts Ben Carson for pyramid lies, Right Wing Fanatics, Science Denial, Science Deniers
Arts & Sciences, Debunking Right Wing Lies, Election 2016, Religious Fanaticism, Republican Logic, Republicans, Right Wing Fanatics, Right Wing Lies, Right-Wing Myths

Another epic failure by Ben Carson as he gets slammed by Forbes for his deliberate ignorance and decades-long practice of telling lies. Noted conservative website, Forbes, blasted Republican presidential hopeful Ben Carson for lying for decades about the creation of the ancient Egyptian pyramids after he affirmed his 1998 statement that he believes the Egyptian […]