By Samuel Warde on
Divisions with GOP over Trump, GOP Civil War Ohio, Republican Trump Civil War, Trump Divides Republicans
Election 2016, Republicans, States Issues

Trump’s campaign breaks from the Ohio GOP a mere 24 days from the election. The Columbus Dispatch reports that a civil war of sorts has erupted in Ohio over Donald Trump, “underscoring the searing divisions over Donald Trump within the Republican Party.” According to a Saturday morning report by The Dispatch: “Trump’s Ohio campaign today […]
By Samuel Warde on
Can states afford not to legalize marijuana, Tax Revenue from Colorado Marijuana sales, the tax benefits of marijuana legalization, Videos
Drug Policy, Economics, Marijuana Legalization, States Issues, Videos

After Colorado earned 184 million dollars in marijuana taxes, should other states consider legalization? Colorado’s Joint Budget Committee released a report projecting “revenue of about $610 million from retail and medical marijuana from Jan. 1 of [2014] to June 30, 2015,” resulting in about about $184 million in tax revenue from marijuana in the first […]
By Samuel Warde on
Conservative Grass Roots Texans, Separatists in Texas, Should Texas Secede, Texas as a perfect Utopia, Texas as a soverign nation, Texas Nationalist Movement, Texas Politics, Texas Secession, Texas separatist movement, Texas Wants to Secede, The Texas Nationalist Movement is threatening secession
Extremists, Humor, Right Wing Fanatics, States Issues

The Texas Nationalist Movement is threatening secession. The Texas Nationalist Movement is threatening – once again – to secede from the United States. The Washington Post reports that: “When Texas Republicans assemble for their state convention next month, it’s possible they will debate whether Texas should secede from the United States.” “There’s almost no chance Texas […]
By Samuel Warde on
Activism, bigotry against gay community, Discrimination legalized in North Carolina, Legalized Discrimination, LGBT Issues, Religious Freedom Laws, Religious Freedom Laws Discrminate, Religious Intolerance and Fanatacism, Republican Hypocrisy
Activism, Bigotry, Conservatives, Controversy, Discrimination, LGBT Issues, Religion, Religious Fanaticism, Religious Freedom Laws, Religious Intolerance, Republican Hypocrisy, Republican Logic, States Issues

In a flagrant display of hypocrisy, a North Carolina congressman calls Bruce Springsteen a bully. Last week, legendary singer-songwriter Bruce Springsteen cancelled his upcoming North Carolina concert over the state’s new anti-LGBT law. The 20-time Grammy Award winner, who is widely known for his Americana/working class lyrics, joins an ever increasing list of celebrities, businesses […]
By Samuel Warde on
discrimination against gay students and transgendered students, Dress Code Targets women in revealing attire, dressing in respectful attire, Gender based discrimination, gender-specific dress code, me know how to dress professional, no mini skirts or low cut blouses in Kansas, no short skirts or blouses with plunging necklines, Proper attire for women for testifying, women need guidance on proper attire according to Republican senator
Discrimination, Republican Logic, Republicans, States Issues, Videos, Women's Issues

Kansas Senate committee chairman imposes gender-specific dress code for females saying men already know how to be “professional.” Republican Senator Mitch Holmes, chairman of the Senate Ethics and Elections Committee, has “imposed a dress code on Kansans testifying on elections or ethics bills that explicitly prohibits women from wearing skimpy skirts or blouses with plunging […]