By Samuel Warde on
abuse allegations, Ann Coulter, Ann Coulter the queen of mean, Brett Kavanaugh Accusations, Do the right thing, Mazie Hirono, Twitter Battles, Twitter Strikes Back, victim blaming
Activism, Resistance, Smackdowns, Social Media Battles, The Resistance, Twitter Battles, Twitter Tantrum

Ann Coulter – the queen of mean – is at it again, this time targeting Senator Mazie Hirono of Hawaii. But Twitter hits back! Over the years, conservative commentator Ann Coulter has been called “the queen of mean,” “the queen of the damned,” and other not-so-friendly names. Last week she set her Twitter sights on Senator […]
By Samuel Warde on
Fox News, racism in politics, Republican Supporting White Nationalists, Republicans Embrace White Nationalists, The Southern Strategy, White Extremists Support Republicans, white nationalists, White Nationalists within the GOP, White Supremacist scheme to take over GOP
Bigotry, Extremists, Fox News, Republicans, Right Wing Fanatics, Smackdowns, Twitter Battles, White Nationalists

Former strategist to Hillary Clinton and John Kerry clears up some nonsense posted by Fox News on their Twitter page. Democratic strategist Peter Daou has advised several major Democratic political figures over the years to include two of the last three Democratic nominees for president – John Kerry and, most recently, Hillary Clinton. Daou was […]
By Samuel Warde on
Collusion, Epic Online Trolling, Rudy Giuliani, Seth Abramson, Twitter Trolling
Activism, Smackdowns, Social Media Battles, Twitter Battles

Seth Abramson runs over Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani like a runaway truth train. Former criminal investigator and criminal defense attorney, Seth Abramson, weighed in on an absurd tweet by Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani. Giuliani has been attempting to pressure Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team into wrapping up their investigation into possible Russian tampering in the […]
By Samuel Warde on
Best Twitter Put Downs, Best Vicente Fox Tweets, Epic Tweets, Epic Twitter Trolling, The Best of Twitter, Vicente Fox
Activism, Smackdowns, Twitter, Twitter Battles, Twitter Trends

Vicente Fox doesn’t hold back when it comes to his feelings about Trump. Vicente Fox, the president of Mexico from 2000 to 2006, doesn’t mince words when it comes to his dislike of Trump. Time and time again, he has handed Trump his a** with hilarious videos mocking his beloved border wall, his policies, lack of experience…. […]
By Samuel Warde on
Ana Navarro, Anti-Bullying Campaign, Anti-Cyberbullying Campaign, Cyber Bullying Campaign, Disrespect directed at First Lady Melania Trump, Disrespect directed at First Lady Michelle Obama, melania trump, Michelle Obama, Self-awareness, Tomi Lahren
Fox News, Human Interest, Twitter Battles

Twitter schools Fox News personality Tomi Lahren after she spoke out against Ana Navarro during a Wednesday appearance on Fox & Friends. Fox News contributor Tomi Lahren used a Wednesday appearance on “Fox & Friends” to bash liberal news commentator Ana Navarro for a tweet she posted on Monday regarding First Lady Melania Trump. Navarro was […]