By Samuel Warde on
abuse allegations, Ann Coulter, Ann Coulter the queen of mean, Brett Kavanaugh Accusations, Do the right thing, Mazie Hirono, Twitter Battles, Twitter Strikes Back, victim blaming
Activism, Resistance, Smackdowns, Social Media Battles, The Resistance, Twitter Battles, Twitter Tantrum

Ann Coulter – the queen of mean – is at it again, this time targeting Senator Mazie Hirono of Hawaii. But Twitter hits back! Over the years, conservative commentator Ann Coulter has been called “the queen of mean,” “the queen of the damned,” and other not-so-friendly names. Last week she set her Twitter sights on Senator […]
By Samuel Warde on
Best of Twitter, J.K. Rowling speaks out, JK Rowling Speaks out against American President, Perfect Twitter Takedowns, Twitter Battles, Twitter Insults
Smackdowns, Twitter Battles, Twitter Tantrum, Twitter Tantrums

With one perfect tweet, J.K. Rowling puts Trump in his place after he tosses another one of his infamous Twitter-tantrums. British novelist, screenwriter and film producer J.K. Rowling is best known as the author of the Harry Potter fantasy series, and when it comes to “calling bullshit” on politicians – she isn’t the least bit shy. This morning, she […]
By Samuel Warde on
Appearance of Guilt, Cooperating Witness, Fake News, McCarthyism in Modern America, Mueller Investigation Closes In On President, Presidential Tantrum, The New York Times, The Return of McCarthyism, Twitter Meltdown, Twitter Storm, Twitter Tantrum, witch hunt
Twitter Tantrum, Twitter Tantrums, Weird News

Fear seems to be setting in as Trump threw a Twitter-Tantrum Sunday morning, claiming “Mueller and his gang that make Joseph McCarthy look like a baby!” The walls appear to be crumbling around Trump in the wake of recent events. The jury of six men and six women return to court on Monday to continue […]
By Samuel Warde on
Kyle Griffin, Pot calling the Kettle Black, Seth Abramson, Twitter Tantrum, Twitter Tirade, White House hypocrisy
Fact-Checking Lies, Smackdowns, Social Media Battles, Twitter Tantrum, Uncategorized
Trump gets called out for his mind-numbing hypocrisy. Twitter is Ground Zero for the Resistance with activists, entertainers, journalists, legal experts, politicians, and every day people like you and me pushing back against the Trump regime; and Kyle Griffin, the producer of MSNBC‘s “The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell” and lawyer and university professor Seth […]
By Samuel Warde on
Criminal Conspiracy, Robert Mueller Investigation, Russia investigation, Russia Investigation Closes in on White House, Twitter Tantrums
Social Media, Twitter, Twitter Tantrum, Twitter Tantrums

Trump’s Twitter cannon roared again this morning with more attacks on Crooked Hillary, the DOJ, FBI and Obama Gang. Trump seems to be coming unhinged as Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller’s team continues handing down indictments. The latest round began a week-and-a-half ago with the indictment of 12 Russian nationals, accused of engaging in a “sustained […]